Here's one of their foxes. When I saw that he was sleeping, I didn't think I'd get a good picture, but this is actually one of my favorites - he looks so cute and fluffy! Not to mention comfortable...
Most of the enclosures had two animals; the second fox was much further away. This little guy was obligingly parked near the viewing window.
The otters were definitely showoffs, and they kept moving so much of the time that I only got one or two decent pictures of them in the water! This one liked to swim up against the wall, push off against it, and swim on his back. They seemed to be watching the people - and enjoying being exclaimed over. The Science Center site does have a webcam for the otters.
The bears were enjoying a nize midday snooze. I imagine the best time to see the animals active would be early in the morning or in the evening. Still, the smaller bear woke up enough for me to
get a couple decent shots - mostly of him stretching and yawning. This is one of the better pictures. I guessed that he/she was about 200 pounds. The other bear, a little further away, was even bigger - my estimate was 300 pounds. The security in this enclosure was impressive - high fences and electric wire everywhere! They had many of the trees wired, presumably so the bears can't climb up and jump over the fence or onto neighboring buildings.
butterflies, but I suppose it's just as well - I
would've spent ages trying to snap the perfect
picture of them.
There were lots of other animals, too - all kinds of small birds, birds of prey, deer, mice, turtles, etc. Their displays are very nice, with lots of information - very kid-friendly. The info tends to be evolutionistic, but that's no surprise.
Here's the link to their site:
Check it out sometime! =)
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